GRADUAL RETURN-TO-WORK (Employer's role)
At some point in your employee’s recovery, Manulife may contact you to recommend a gradual return-to-work (GRTW) or return-to-work (RTW) program be developed.
Manulife will work with the Plan member, their treatment providers, union (if applicable), and you to develop this program.
The program:
will be based on your employee’s medically supported restrictions and limitations as well as functional abilities
may include a gradual increase in hours and/or duties
To support your employee's success:
provide a suitable work station for your employee
inform the employee’s co-workers that your employee is returning to work under the program
assess the situation and analyze your employee’s job tasks regularly
evaluate and make provisions or accommodations in a timely manner, when necessary
keep Manulife informed of your employee’s progress and any deviations from the program
Take Note
As the employer, you will be expected to report your employee’s earnings to Manulife bi-weekly so that the LTD benefit can be recalculated.