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GRADUAL RETURN-TO-WORK (Plan member's role)

At some point in your recovery, Manulife may recommend a gradual return-to-work (GRTW) or return-to-work (RTW) program be developed for you.


Returning to work is an important part of your recovery because it gets you back to your normal routine.  However, no one expects you to fully return to work overnight.


Your case manager and rehabilitation specialist will work with you, your employer, and your treatment providers to develop a program that's right for you.


The program:

  • will be based on your medically supported restrictions and limitations as well as your abilities

  • may include a gradual increase in hours and/or duties


During the program, you are expected to:

  • fully participate in the return-to-work program

  • maintain regular contact with your employer and Manulife

  • follow your prescribed healthcare treatment


Your rehabilitation earnings

Your LTD benefit and rehabilitation earnings together can total up to 100% of the current rate of pay for the position, class, and  step you held before your disability.


Your LTD benefit will be offset by 50% of any income you receive while participating in a rehabilitation program, like GRTW, so you do not earn more than 100% of the current rate of pay.


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